Case Study:
Committed to exceptional customer service Rapid Cool Heating and Refrigeration is a leader in the heating, refrigeration, geo thermal, ventilation and air conditioning industry. In 2012, Rapid Cool wanted a fresh, exciting approach to increase awareness and garner new clientele. Their ideal digital strategy included a website overhaul and campaigns targeting a wide-ranging audience and involved the use of marketing and social media.
Already a successful company, Rapid Cool wanted to partner with ROI Media Works to translate their heating and cooling expertise to the marketplace with a functional and streamlined website. Their focus on a website overhaul included converting a stale Drupal website to a dynamic, easy-to-use custom Wordpress. Additionally, as novices to digital marketing, Rapid Cool’s decision makers wanted a clearly defined digital strategy as well as other online outreach endeavours that proved to be an accessible means of publicizing their business.
ROI Media Works partnered with Rapid Creation of a custom adaptive Wordpress site and a digital marketing strategy that included social media, search engine optimization, and paid-per-click campaigns. Additionally, ROI Media Works ability to hone in on consumer behavior with customized bid pricing and timeframes. This enabled Rapid Cool to maximize their budget for mobile display ads, and garnered better ad positioning. Additionally, analyzing visitor flow analysis enabled ROI Media Works to focus on details like negative keywords and helped display ads to an accurate target market and funnel conversions.
The new website, Search Engine Optimization, and Pay-Per-Click Marketing Campaigns have lead to the following: