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Introducing ROI QR Admin

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012

Just after a couple months after the release of ROI QR Scanner, ROI Media Works has launched a partner app for ROI QR Scanner: ROI QR Admin. ROI QR Admin is a ROI QR tracking service. You are able to view your tracked QR Code information in real-time with push notifications, live updates, graph views, and more.

ROI QR Admin is available for iOS or Android devices from the links below:

Google Play App Store

Check out ROI QR Admin featured on these websites!

Cnet Downloads and App Shots.

A little background on the QR code for you. QR is short for Quick Response (they can be read quickly by a cell phone). Your business, no matter how small or large, could use QR codes in a number of ways. You might auto generate one next to every product on your web site containing all the product details, the number to call and the URL link to the page so they can show their friends on their cell phone. The ways you can make a QR code for you are endless and ROI Media Works has a app for that!

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