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Website Checklist – Video

Monday, July 16th, 2012

ROI Media Works takes us through a Website Checklist. The Website Checklist consists of five essential steps that every website should consider; the do’s and dont’s to follow to ensure that the user is getting the most experience out of their website, so you are able to increase conversions.

Having a well functioning site is more about than just the appearance of it. Can people find the information they may be looking for in less than 3 clicks? Are your menu’s easy to follow and understand? Do you use images to give better clarity?

Five Step Website Checklist:

  1. Design
  2. Navigation
  3. Pictures/ Videos
  4. Contact/ Lead forms
  5. Analytics

Whether you are launching a brand new site, or you are looking to revamp your current site, you will find benefits in watching this video.

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