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A Penny for Your Thoughts or Your Click

Wednesday, December 10th, 2014

Wordstream did a recent study to determine what the most expensive keywords are in Google. Their results produced keywords that were expected and some that will throw you for a loop. Why did Wordstream do this research you may wonder? They wanted to look into where 97% of Google’s income comes from.

The Top 10 Most Expensive Keywords are:

  1. Insurance
  2. Loans
  3. Mortgage
  4. Attorney
  5. Credit
  6. Lawyer
  7. Donate
  8. Degree
  9. Hosting
  10. Claim

Take note that these top ten most expensive AdWords keywords deal primarily with financing and industries that manage vast sums of money. Also, in services which require long-term customer relationships.

The next ten most expensive keywords round out to make The Top 20 most expensive AdWords keywords:

  1. Conference Call
  2. Trading
  3. Software
  4. Recovery
  5. Transfer
  6. Gas/Electricity
  7. Classes
  8. Rehab
  9. Treatment
  10. Cord Blood

It is interesting that businesses in the insurance section are willing to pay a lot to acquire a new customer. Google takes advantage of the fact that these businesses know that the long term pays out are beneficial so they will pay the highest cost-per-clicks.

Now, what do you do if you are in an industry that is paying big money for the most expensive Google AdWords key words? You will want to make sure you are utilizing the best pay per click marketing practices.

Here are a few tips for you to consider:

  • Quality Score: One way you can lower your CPC is by having high AdWords Quality Scores help. This can help you pay less for the most successful keywords.
  • Be Choosey: Be specific with your targeting. As in focus your time and money on 3 to 5 keywords. You can use a Google AdWords Keyword Tool to help you come up with specific keyword ideas.
  • Utilize Negative Keywords: Negative keywords can be your best friend. This way you aren’t wasting money on unwanted clicks. Irrelevant keywords result in costly clicks that won’t drive conversions.
  • Focus on Relevancy: keywords, ads and landing pages all need to be relevant to each other. The more relevant, the better your ROI (return on investment) will be.


Make your AdWords campaign work for you. You may not have control over how high the bids are for your keywords, but you can make small changes to help bring your expenses down. If you would like help with your competitive market, reach out to us at 778-471-5953.

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