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Are you measuring your website visitors?

Friday, February 18th, 2011

Who is your customer? How are they finding your business?

Many businesses we talk to, they often spend lot of money and time in understanding how to use various social media and onlinemarketing tools. They do have some knowledge on how to advertise online and it is one of the successful mediums to bring in new referrals. Various studies showed that between 80-90% of the consumers are researching products or services online before they make a purchase. However businesses often don’t have any data on how much money they should spend on pay per click campaigns (PPC) or how could they save money by doing search engine optimization (SEO). As a business owner are you counting the opportunity cost?

Google analytics – use this enterprise calss platform for free!

One of the tools website owners must have is the Google analytics. This is a free website tracking tool available from Google. It is one of the enterprise class platforms available to measure your website data. Using Google analytics you can find out detailed information on who is visiting your website, how much time they are spending, what percentage of these visitors are new visitors, when they are leaving your website, where your visitors are living and many more details. You can also check how often your site visitors are returning your website. They are normally your loyal customers, would your business like more loyal returning visitors?


This analytics intelligence for your business can help you  make educated decisions on what products have more demand in the current market and what is not selling or which special offer got you more business last year would you like to offer the same this year? How can you best use your customer emails opted-in through your website?

If you do not have Google analytics installed on your website request your web developer or the online advertising company you deal with to have it set up for your website. Guess what you could do with three months of data about your online visitors.

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