Connect 2014 Business to Business Tradeshow

Attending the Connect 2014 Business to Business Tradeshow last week was a blast! We got to meet some new people and tell them a little about our business. We also got to reconnect with friends and fellow small businesses in Kamloops.

The Kamloops Chamber of Commerce did a great job on organizing the biggest social event of the year. The Kamloops Coast Hotel and Conference Centre was abuzz with over 60+ exhibitors and hundreds of visitors. Appetizers from the restaurant and music from the Kamloops Symphony created a cheerful and sophisticated atmosphere. The giveaways were unreal! We personally loved the Tourism Kamloops booth and the handy tumbler’s that they gave away. Plus, it was neat to be right across from the BC Wildlife Park Booth and seeing the birds of prey they had on display. The burrowing owl was so cute!

We loved the badges at Arts Council and Kamloops Innovation. What a great idea to have different badges that represents who we are; very creative. We couldn’t find the Christmas Pickle however, thanks to the Aberdeen Mall for all the gift card giveaways. Thanks to MCM Real Estate for the Bold Pizzeria coupons we love the make your own custom pizzas.

Let’s not forget about Chahal Priddle with their nerf gun. We couldn’t sneak in to get some chocolate but could hear the excitement at their booth.

It was truly inspiring to see so many local businesses in one place. Kamloops and the surrounding area is a hub for entrepreneurs and forward thinking people. All-in-all this year was another great success and we can’t wait to connect in 2015!