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Embedding with WordPress

Friday, December 5th, 2014

Magic will happen before your eyes! Now when you paste in a YouTube URL on a new line in WordPress it will become an embedded video. New coding has created a true preview of your embedded content which will give you confidence you know what you are publishing.

You can even do this with Tweets, audio and other content. There is a long list of sites you can embed from: animoto, blip, college humour, dailymotion, flickr,, hulu, imgur, instagram, issuu,, embedarticles, mixcloud, photobucket, polldaddy, rdio, revision3, scribd, slideshare, smugmug, soundcloud, spotify, ted, twitter, vimeo,, youtube and isnare.

Another option is to wrap the URL in the [ embed ] shortcode. It will accomplish the same effect, but does not require the URL to be on its own line. Using [ embed width="123" height="456' ] allows for the includion of a maximum (but not fixed) width and height; [ embed width="123" height="456" ][ /embed ].

If WordPress fails to embed the URL, the post will contain a hyperlink to the URL.

If you are having troubles with embedding on WordPress or another task, don’t be afraid to reach out to the team at ROI Media Works. We are your local Kamloops WordPress blogging experts. Give us a ring at 778-471-5953.

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