Engage to Build a Community | Making Social Media Work For You

When it comes to your business/organization social media accounts it is important to determine what kind of voice and communication style you want to have. There really isn’t any right or wrong way to communicate, as long as your are consistent. Above all, you need to acknowledge the voice of the customer, actually hear and respect what they are saying. If what you’re hearing is a complaint or is negative, let them know a resolution is being sought, then follow through on that resolution to the best of your organization’s ability

You might find it hard to keep up with how quickly social media puts out conversations. Listen and pick your moments. If sales are a priority, pay attention to potential leads with relevant and helpful content. Make sales through engagement. The age- old sales maxim, “Make a friend first, a sale second” applies to social media as well, only even more so due to social’s ability to put more focus on positive, or negative, experiences.

Giving advice is always a great way to connect with the social community. Hilton Hotels is a perfect example. They take a non-sales approach with @HiltonSuggests by taking an engagement for engagement’s sake position. Hilton monitors online conversations from travelers looking for recommendations all over the world. What is more important is that they offer accommodation advice to travelers whether a Hilton is available or not.

Another great way to connect on social is with perks. According to Hootsuite, “61 percent of consumers use social to look for discounts.” Take advantage of social media’s ability to highlight promotions and deals, but make sure they are appropriate and relevant to your brand.

Now get out there and connect with social media. It is an affordable and effective way to get your grand out there. It can also be helpful to ensure you are providing the best service possible to your customers. Social media is where it is at!