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Good Social Networking on Facebook, Dos And Don’ts!

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

ROI Media Works is a social media agency in Kamloops, BC. We provide social media marketing solutions to businesses. However busy we are working on our clients accounts we feel it is important to provide some valuable online marketing tips to business owners. In an effort to fill this gap we are bringing in guest blogger series featuring tips & tricks on online marketing, social media and pay per click campaigns.

We thank Lynn Brown, Online Business Professional – “Learn It 2 Earn It” for providing some valuable tips on Facebook Networking!

Good Social Networking on Facebook – Do this , not that!

  1. Do This – Always recognize people that connect with you.  Post a warm appreciation for them taking the time to become friends.
    Don’t Do This – Posting your signature with links to all your sites or worse, any affiliate links.  Remember this is a ‘social’ network and people will be turned off by this in a huge way.
  2. Do This – Create a heartfelt connection with your new friends or fans.  Learn a little about them to engage them in conversation.
    Don’t Do This – Slam your new friends or fans with sales pitches, mlm promotions or any type of business partnership.  Building the connection, then the relationship will naturally get them to start asking questions of what you do.
  3. Do This – Build curiosity about yourself, products or services.  Posting questions relating to your products or services to get your friends and fans talking and interacting with you.
    Don’t Do This– Never ‘sell’ or sales pitch to your friends or fans.  People are tired of being sold to.  They want to know you more, learn about you which will open doors and make them feel more comfortable.  If you are constantly trying to ‘sell’, your friends and fans will be turned off.
  4. Do This – Keep your profile and wall active.  You spent the time to set up your Facebook account, don’t neglect it.  Post at least once a day or every other day so that your friends and fans know you are consistently active.  Keep what you have to say interesting and try to talk with your friends and fans, not talking at them.
    Don’t Do This – Updating your wall 50 – 100 times a day.  This is a huge turn off.  If you have something to say that many times, then Twitter is where you should be.  Updating your wall that many times on Facebook is like spamming.
  5. Do This – Set up a proper Fan Page for your business.  Your fan page profile, description, about you, company information, etc. should be completed thoroughly.  Creating a banner for your fan page profile picture will create a more professional look.
    Don’t Do This – Not setting up a Fan Page for your business.  Trying to work a business through your personal Facebook page is frowned upon and you could get a lot of complaints.  This could cause your account to be frozen by Facebook.  Fan pages are where people go to know more about you and your business.
  6. Do This – Add your blog posts to your Fan Page.  Your blog posts are a great way to get your fans interacting with you.  Your blog posts are free information which brings value to your fans.  Once you are established, you can ‘like’ your blog post which will go over to your personal wall.  This is a way to introduce other friends and visitors to some great information and building curiosity to know you more.
    Don’t Do This – Adding your blog posts through your Facebook notes page.  Some people feel that an RSS feed of your blog posts to your notes provides all the information your fans will want.  However, if your fans make it a habit to visit your ‘notes’ then you will not get them to visit your blog site.  It is better to post on your Fan Page so that they are taken to your site.  It will promote interaction between you and your fans.

Guest Author: Lynn Brown, Online Business Professional – Learn It 2 Earn It Join in the conversation by ‘liking’ my Fan Page; enjoy free tips, techniques and cutting edge information to help you grow your business and achieve success.  Or Visit My Blog

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