Google Knowledge Graph Testing

Google is hands down the most popular search engine. It is constantly testing new ways it can answer user queries. It is their sole job to ensure they are providing the most accurate results. How can they do this you may ask? This is where the Google Knowledge Graph comes into play. Real world connections are made thanks to the magic of this graph. The Knowledge Graph collects information about objects in the real world. It is as if this man-made coding and algorithms think like a human when it encounters facts on the Internet.

The amazing thing about the Knowledge Graph is that it is always adapting. Google takes the information that others have found useful and combines it with the Knowledge graph. “Google is dynamically testing various answer sources and specific ways of answering questions, and seeing what works based on user data,” according to Eric Enge in a recent study.

Google is constantly finding out exactly what it is people are searching for. As a result the same queries may not produce the same results as time passes. Businesses will need to keep a careful eye on how the Google Knowledge Graph can affect their traffic. If you would like help with your online presence and optimizing your website for Google, reach out to us at 778-471-5953.