Google Mobilegeddon

Yupe, the rumors are true! Google is making a major update to its mobile search algorithm. Why should you be concerned? This algorithm change will impact which websites are shown when users search for something on their mobile phone.    

Now why aren’t we worried? This algorithm will start favouring mobile-friendly websites. Each and every one of our websites in responsive, which means they are mobile friendly automatically. Mobile sites have larger text, easy call-to-action buttons and re-size to whatever screen it is being viewed on.

We are happy to see this change. It is extremely apparent that mobile users are becoming more and more prominent. In a recent IAB Canada Integrated Digital Marketing Course Ashley attended, 59% of the traffic on the internet was done from a smart phone! Thus, it is extremely important that websites are mobile friendly.

This also isn’t a shock to us. Google prides themselves on providing the best user experience. Obviously this needs to apply to one of the most used devices when it comes to using the internet.

This algorithm has has been nicknamed “Mobile-geddon” because of how “apocalyptic” it could be for millions of websites, according to Business Insider. They got their information from, Itai Sadan, CEO of website building company Duda. He had this to say:

“I think the people who are at risk are those who don’t know about it,” Sadan says. To him, that mostly means small businesses.

“Come April 21, a lot of small businesses are going to be really surprised that the number of visitors to their websites has dropped significantly. This is going to affect millions of sites on the web,” he says.

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If you haven’t already, you should be checking to see if your website is mobile friendly. You don’t want to run the risk of your site not showing up in Google searches.

If you need help or would like some advice on responsive/mobile sites, reach out to our team at 778-471-5953.