How to use Facebook ads account structure to run a successful campaign

Earlier this year, Facebook introduced a new campaign structure for their ads to help businesses organize, measure and optimize their marketing campaigns.

Facebook’s campaign structure is organized into three levels: campaign, ad set and ad. The new campaign structure updates allows for the audiences, bidding and placement for any campaign to be determined at the ad set level (these settings were previously located at the ad level).

This may seem like a small change but this reorganization will help businesses to follow best practices for advertising on Facebook. It makes it easier to test different strategies against the same budget, audience and placement. You will see which ad creative works best for each ad that is created and allow you to make more informed decisions to get the best Return on Investment.

Take advantage of the new campaign structure by following these tips:

  1. Create an ad set for each audience you want to target so you can test different audiences. To do this effectively, you should keep all other ad set settings consistent. This will allow you to see if one ad performs better than another.
  2. Create multiple ads. Create a small variety of ads with variations in creative and copy. This way there are several options for Facebook to utilize when they show your ads.
  3. Remember that content is always key. Use creative and content that people actually want to see. The more specific your ads are, the more relatable they are and the more interaction you will.
  4. Always measure the results. You can setup pixel tracking provided by Facebook or if you are using Adroll implement specific tracking code on all pages of website. For e-commerce transactions tie in pixel tracking with Google analytics to measure every sale or lead generated through Facebook Campaigns.
  5. These stats also display under multi-channel conversions in Google analytics. It is important to know how your customers are finding your business through various channels.

Advertisers will not be required to migrate existing ad sets until after January 2015. Existing ad sets can continue defining targeting, placement and bid settings at the ad level in the Ads Create tool, Ads Manager and Power Editor and will continue to run without interruption.

If you would like to learn more or need help with your Facebook Ad Campaigns, feel free to reach out to the team at ROI Media Works at 778-471-5953.