It’s Simple Why You Should Include Images and Videos in Your Online Marketing

Think back to when you were learning how to read as a child. You didn’t start reading by looking at the words. You learned how to read by connecting images with words. It is clear that people are more interested in seeing information than reading it.

It is important to utilize this human nature to optimize your online presence. Use your creative side and embrace the power of photos and videos to market your brand. The better the photo or video the more engagement you will get form your followers.

Content with images will get approximately 94% more total views than articles without an image. More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each month. Also websites with images and videos are more favourably viewed by search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. It also makes your content more relatable to other social media outlets. You can easily syndicate on Twitter, Google+, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and many more. A good image or video goes a long way to catch the attention of users.

See your marketing campaigns reach new levels and reach your goals with images and videos in your online marketing. If you would like some help with this strategy reach out to our team at 1-778-471-5953.