Maximize November to Pumpkin Spice Up Your Brand

Here at ROI Media Works, we not only work in marketing, we love it too. That’s why we’re going to bring you the best seasonal marketing campaigns we’ve seen every month. When you’re looking to Pumpkin Spice Up Your Brand, November can seem bland. Instead, allow us to help you maximize November. This month is quirky one when it comes to seasonal marketing campaigns. Since November is sandwiched between Halloween and the start of the holiday season North of the border, it doesn’t have a glaring, built-in postmark on a calendar. This does not mean you’re allowed to skip seasonal marketing campaigns this month.

Now, you may be calling our bluff on the whole “no November holiday” thing. Though there is a very important social benchmark this month, Remembrance Day, it doesn’t immediately lend itself to seasonal marketing campaigns. As such, marketing Remembrance Day requires care. There are examples of companies making ill-advised connections to the often solemn day. Admittedly, it is rare to receive the backlash seen in these examples if you are engaging in common sense. Similarly, you won’t receive backlash for not engaging with Remembrance Day and affording your customer base a day to themselves.

One time you simply cannot afford to miss, however, is Black Friday and Cyber Monday. As we hinted at in the intro, Canada does not celebrate Thanksgiving in November like our American neighbours. Also for those Americans, shopping is just as essentially as turkey and mashed potatoes. This knack for consuming has made its way North, with Canadians clamoring for deals at a similar rate. Known as Black Friday and Cyber Monday, aligning with the Friday and Monday of American Thanksgiving, the pair represent the largest shopping days in North America. In the early days of e-commerce, the former used to represent online sales after the in-store Black Friday madness. Now, online sales thrive all Thanksgiving weekend. How should you capitalize on this and maximize November? Go online too: email, social media and content marketing are your best friends here.

These sales and campaigns come naturally to business in retail industries. For others, the opportunity to Maximize November is more abstract. The trick is to continue looking to the shoppers. November is, as stated, a historically active shopping month. Use the month as an opportunity to get some research done as all this shopping brings with it a tremendous amount of consumer data. Here are a few examples:

Insights into consumer habits or packaging (your business doesn’t have packages? Translate “packages” to “branding”) are key takeaways for your business’ marketing strategy. So, you can’t advertise a Black Friday, buy one get one shirt deal, but you can still maximize November.

Inspired by what you read and want to create a seasonal marketing campaign so you can maximize November 2018? We would love to help. Drop us a line at