This month has been a busy one for us in the best possible way. Only one month in our history has seen us launch more new projects than November 2017. For that, we are equally patting ourselves on that back and thanking our awesome clients that motivate us to come into work every day. We are privileged to do what we do and truly love marketing. With this in mind, and all these new websites floating around, we thought now would be as good a time as ever to give a quick intro for how to market a new website.
The first place you should scream with pride about your new website is social media. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and the list goes on and on. Whatever platform you’re using, get the word out!
It is likely that your follower base on social media platforms make up the same demographic as your customer base. This is notable for two reasons: 1 – they should know first as they are likely to use your website regularly and should know what to expect, 2 – they will be excited for you! Also, if any colour or logo changes were made alongside your website change, make sure your social media pages reflect them.
Now that your new website is in place and you excitedly shared it on social media, a next step is to ensure your branding is on par with your new website. Just as your social media pages may need updating, so too would your branding materials. These include, but are not limited to, business cards, posters and banners or postcard handouts. Your brand must be consistent!
While it is likely that cosmetic changes were made from your previous website to this new one, there is also a chance that your new website will operate differently. If navigation or page content changes occur with a new website, this can throw off how potential customers find these pages on search engines. You will want to look into how your new website is faring in terms of SEO… Did we mention that we love SEO?
Don’t forget to listen to your customers. They will be using this site on a routine basis, more than you! Ask for feedback: it’s FREE! Use their suggestions to improve your website post-launch. Your website should never stop improving, just like your business. Listen, revise, execute, repeat.
We’d love the opportunity to work with you in the design and/or development of a new website or whatever else you have in mind marketing-wise. Drop us a line at and let’s get started.