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We like keeping on top of what's up.

We keep an eye on what's on the horizon and in the digital landscape.

Here's some of our latest thoughts on what's happening. Have some coffee & catch up with what's intriguing us.

TED Talks – Vancouver 2016

TED Talks – Vancouver 2016

Marketing Lessons From #TEDTalks This year’s Vancouver TED Talks started yesterday and will end on the 19th. Those attending will be treated to speeches from inspirational people who are leaders, creative thinkers, and idea makers. Perhaps ‘idea makers’ isn’t fair enough. They’re more like ‘idea makers, sharers, and givers’. And not only that, but attendees will be able to see art exhibits and tech demos! Continue reading »
Long Live the Email

Long Live the Email

The electronic mail – or e-mail as the cool kids call it – has been around for ages. It has long been one of the most effective ways of business communication. It’s how you set up appointments, it’s how sales departments start the sales process, and it’s how you can communicate with multiple clients at once. The possibilities are endless! Continue reading »
Social Media: The Age of Change

Social Media: The Age of Change

We like to keep an eye on what’s happening in the ever-changing world of social media. That especially means that watch the big players like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. Among those listed, Twitter has had arguably one of the most influential online presences since its beginning in 2006. Continue reading »
Love for the Game; Or the Ads?

Love for the Game; Or the Ads?

It’s everyone’s favourite time of year! Well, maybe next to Halloween. And your birthday. And definitely not for people who don’t even watch football. Hmm… It’s every football fan’s favourite time of year! Continue reading »
Not Another Mobile Post

Not Another Mobile Post

Today’s exciting topic: mobile. As if you haven’t heard enough about mobile and it’s inevitable plot to take over the digital world. Trust us, WE KNOW. All over marketing blogs nowadays; “mobile accounts for 50% of all online traffic”, “mobile information is easier to access that ever”, “mobile is the shizzle”. Continue reading »
HTTP/2 – Better, Faster

HTTP/2 – Better, Faster

Hypertext Transfer Protocol has been, and currently is one of the most integral pieces of the internet since its origin in 1991. HTTP is a protocol put in place that allows information to be communicated between websites and links on the World Wide Web. It defines formats, transmissions, and responses between browsers and servers. It’s in every single URL that you search on your device. Continue reading »
Passwords are a Thing of the Passt.

Passwords are a Thing of the Passt.

2020; That’s where we’ll be in just 4 years. It seems pretty distant, but not actually that far into the future. Of course, you see all over social media just how true it is that we are currently living in the future. With the advent of self-driving cars and exoskeletons alike, it’s not hard to believe that we are gaining information and knowledge at an exponential rate. Continue reading »
Remarketing – Reconnect with your customers.

Remarketing – Reconnect with your customers.

Remarketing. What is it? And why is it so imperative to have as a strong tool for business success? Remarketing, in a nutshell, allows a business to show its ads to people who have either already used or bought its product, or have simply visited its website. Continue reading »

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