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We like keeping on top of what's up.

We keep an eye on what's on the horizon and in the digital landscape.

Here's some of our latest thoughts on what's happening. Have some coffee & catch up with what's intriguing us.

Are You Segmenting Your PPC Accounts Too Much?

Are You Segmenting Your PPC Accounts Too Much?

Are you segmenting your Pay Per Click accounts to much? It is a well known fact that to ensure your online marketing campaigns are functioning properly, you need to make sure you are segmenting your keywords and ads in smart groupings. But if you take it too far you will be negatively affected. You need to think of how consumers will be searching your products and not get too granular.  Continue reading »
5 Reasons You Need a Digital Marketing Strategy

5 Reasons You Need a Digital Marketing Strategy

There are many reasons why your company/organization should have a Digital Marketing Strategy. If you don't have a clear direction you are going to waste your time and money. It is very clear to see that having an online presence is essential for any modern business. Customers are now audiences online.  Continue reading »
Why You Should Care About Social Media

Why You Should Care About Social Media

Social Media accounts can have a positive or negative effect on how your website is ranked on Google, or any other search engine for that matter.  This is why it is essential for your online marketing campaign that you regularly use social media accounts for your business.  Continue reading »
Google’s New Logo

Google’s New Logo

According to Fortune, roughly 65% (or more) of Internet users use Google as their primary search engine. New with Google, if you didn't already know, the company decided to change their logo design.  Continue reading »
Google AdWords Seminar

Google AdWords Seminar

The team at ROI Media Works is excited to announce that we are hosting a seminar in partnership with the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce. Join us on Wednesday September 30th from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm at the Chamber Boardroom | 615 Victoria Street.  Continue reading »
How Customer Reviews Can Help Your SEO

How Customer Reviews Can Help Your SEO

Many small businesses live and die via word of mouth. The last thing you need is someone talking badly about your business. These days things can get out of hand because of the Internet. People can post anonymously and say anything they want, and the the entire world can read it. It is important to have a good online image.   Continue reading »
Website For Google Hangouts

Website For Google Hangouts

Google has recently launched a site just for Google Hangouts. This just makes using Hangouts much easier to users. The choice to move Hangouts to its own website  much like Facebook and Facebook Messenger.   Continue reading »

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