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We like keeping on top of what's up.

We keep an eye on what's on the horizon and in the digital landscape.

Here's some of our latest thoughts on what's happening. Have some coffee & catch up with what's intriguing us.

Paid Links Are a No No!

Paid Links Are a No No!

Paid links are not a good thing for your Search Engine Optimization. If you see guaranteed links in a proposal for an SEO project you may want to find out how they are acquired. Exchanging money for links is an absolute no-go in Google's eyes. Continue reading »
The Importance of Social Media

The Importance of Social Media

As a business it is important to have a presence on social media. It not only a free way to get out your brand, it is a way to create engagement and conversations about your business. Like many small businesses, time is limited. You will have to make choices as to what social media platforms you are going to utilize. We Are Social has done a recent study that brings key digital statistics and data points from around the world, including internet users, active social media accounts and mobile usage. Continue reading »
How Mobile Payment Applications Can Help Your Business

How Mobile Payment Applications Can Help Your Business

Many of us may not realize that the online payments and money transfer application PayPal has been around since 1998. In recent years Apple (Apple Pay) and Google (Google Wallet) joined the fold, as well as many others. These digital wallets have changed the way consumers interact with businesses. Continue reading »
Google Knowledge Graph Testing

Google Knowledge Graph Testing

Google is hands down the most popular search engine. It is constantly testing new ways it can answer user queries. It is their sole job to ensure they are providing the most accurate results. How can they do this you may ask? This is where the Google Knowledge Graph comes into play. Real world connections are made thanks to the magic of this graph. The Knowledge Graph collects information about objects in the real world. It is as if this man-made coding and algorithms think like a human when it encounters facts on the Internet. Continue reading »
Recent Changes to AdWords

Recent Changes to AdWords

Over the last few weeks Google has rolled out new reporting updates for AdWords. Flexible bid strategies such as Target CPA and Enhanced CPC offer new ways to interpret all the information Google has gathered on your account. Now you will have more detailed reporting within your finger tips. Continue reading »
Changes to Email Marketing

Changes to Email Marketing

Email marketing is a great tool to reach a lot of people and let them know what is new and exciting with your business. It’s a chance to enhance your relationship with your current or previous customers. Continue reading »
New Google 2014 Holiday Shopper Research

New Google 2014 Holiday Shopper Research

Connect with your customers this holiday shopping season with some great advice from Google. With mobile devices at everyone’s fingertips, the hours for shopping are unlimited. In fact, one third of all shopping searches on Google happen between the hours of 10 p.m. and 4 a.m.(1) That’s because shopping doesn't stop once the mall closes. People are spending time researching for that perfect gift for their loved ones. Continue reading »
2014 Business Excellence Awards

2014 Business Excellence Awards

Kamloops got to enjoy a little piece of Paris on Saturday November 1. Pastels colours, chandeliers and classical music filled the Coast Hotel Kamloops Conference Centre. ROI Media Works team had a blast attending the 2014 Kamloops Chamber of Commerce and TD Business Excellence Awards. It was a sold out crowd of 440 people! Continue reading »
The Importance of the Landing Page

The Importance of the Landing Page

It is important to have a great looking website that functions well, but it may be even more important to ensure you have outstanding and relevant landing pages. These pages are an extremely important element to online marketing and ultimately sale or sign-up conversions. Continue reading »
What’s new with Google

What’s new with Google

Google is known for being innovative and an industry leader. They have proved their status again with their new take on the Google Calendar app. This app is now more than just a calendar; it has been redesigned to be a helpful assistant. Here is a quick overview on how the Google Calendar, for mobile, is new and improved. Continue reading »

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