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We like keeping on top of what's up.

We keep an eye on what's on the horizon and in the digital landscape.

Here's some of our latest thoughts on what's happening. Have some coffee & catch up with what's intriguing us.

ROI Media Works at OMG Social Media Conference

ROI Media Works at OMG Social Media Conference

OMG...ROI Media Works, El Presidente will be speaking at and attending the first ever OMG Social Media Conference in Vancouver, BC on August 15, 2013. OMG in this instance is a name that plays on the online acronyms that have become social norms in our lives, and is short for Online Media Generation. The generation being referred to is characterized by those who are lucky enough to have grown up during the social media revolution and interact on social media platforms on a non-stop basis. Continue reading »
Excel Personnel – Digital Marketing Strategy

Excel Personnel – Digital Marketing Strategy

Talent and technological innovation drive productivity. And as such this drive enables companies to have a competitive edge. Excel Personnel, a premiere employment agency in British Columbia, chose ROI Media Works to develop a high-calibre digital marketing strategy. Continue reading »
How to Make a Website Responsive

How to Make a Website Responsive

We create websites that work anywhere, anytime, and on any device. Responsive websites use new technologies to create a “responsive” viewing experience. A responsive website looks and works just as well on any mobile devices (iPhone, Android phones, etc.) as it does on a desktop computer, laptop or tablet. Responsive is undoubtedly the future of web. Here's a short tutorial on how to make a responsive website: HTML - Set browser viewport To create a responsive website the first thing we suggest is make sure the viewport of the site is set to the device width. This ensure's the site is at 100% and there's no zooming or cropping. In our HTML head we'd add: Continue reading »
Responsive Websites

Responsive Websites

What is a Responsive Website: Responsive websites adjust to the size of the current screen viewing the site - optimizing the website for any device from a normal desktop screen, iPad's, small tablets, smart phones, and everything in-between. This means no awkward pinching/zooming on mobile devices, no panning and cut-off web pages on iPads, no squinting your eyes to read tiny text. The information on the website will display natively, clearly, and will better encourage user engagement. Continue reading »
ROI Media Works wins CHBA CI Keystone Awards

ROI Media Works wins CHBA CI Keystone Awards

ROI Media Works is proud to announce that we have received two keystone awards at the CHBA Central Interior awards night. We have received Gold and Silver awards in the Best marketing project website category in association with our clients Nexbuild and Rapid Cool Mechanical. Continue reading »
Blank Ad Gets Clicks on Facebook

Blank Ad Gets Clicks on Facebook

We have come across a report by ARF comparing display ads click-through rates (CTRs)on Facebook. It was published in We felt like it is only one side of the story. Below is our response based on our experience with Facebook marketing and various other research studies. Continue reading »

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