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We like keeping on top of what's up.

We keep an eye on what's on the horizon and in the digital landscape.

Here's some of our latest thoughts on what's happening. Have some coffee & catch up with what's intriguing us.

Canadian Politicians Using Social Media To Reach Voters

Canadian Politicians Using Social Media To Reach Voters

Top three Canadian politicians are using social media to reach the voters? While Canada is getting ready for elections on May 2nd 2011, we are seeing more advertisements on YouTube, CTV online and Facebook. Many our friends are sharing their views on the politicians and everyone has their own opinions or what party they support. Then we started noticing some tweets from different politicians. This year - politics has definitely gotten our attention - using social media. Continue reading »
Webinar: SEO Checklist For Your Website

Webinar: SEO Checklist For Your Website

Search engine optimization (SEO) - top 10 check list for your website rankings. Search engine optimization is a process of optimizing a website for better search engine rankings. Google looks into more than 200 variables to decide which site ranks for a given keyword. This process is instant and Google does process all the relevant websites as soon as you started typing the key phrase. Continue reading »
Link building What to DO, What NOT to DO?

Link building What to DO, What NOT to DO?

Link building best practices for better search engine optimization - but what is Link building for SEO? Link building is one of the techniques used in search engine optimization where search engine optimizers acquire inbound / back links to a website from relevant websites to improve search engine rankings. Every link pointing to the website is counted as a vote and the amount of quality back links your website has, the better. This will also help to boost the site page rank. Continue reading »
How is your website ranking on Google?

How is your website ranking on Google?

Are you taking the top spots on Google for your top key phrases? Many SEO companies promise top #1 position on Google for your top performing keywords. We can actually take over complete page #1 of Google for branded results and at least #1 to #5 positions for local search results. Do you have 40 seconds? Check out the video below! Continue reading »
Online marketing special offers for your business!

Online marketing special offers for your business!

We talk to many businesses every day, they include owner operated business to corporations with solid history and employee base. What we are noticing is every business wants to rank high on Google and some are even working on social media campaigns. This is a welcoming change for Canadian businesses. However sometimes your business needs professional help to review the performance of online marketing campaigns. This is similar to your financial audit, could you save a 25% in expenditure every month? Continue reading »
Are you measuring your website visitors?

Are you measuring your website visitors?

Who is your customer? How are they finding your business? Many businesses we talk to, they often spend lot of money and time in understanding how to use various social media and onlinemarketing tools. They do have some knowledge on how to advertise online and it is one of the successful mediums to bring in new referrals. Various studies showed that between 80-90% of the consumers are researching products or services online before they make a purchase. However businesses often don’t have any data on how much money they should spend on pay per click campaigns (PPC) or how could they save money by doing search engine optimization (SEO). As a business owner are you counting the opportunity cost? Continue reading »
Social Media Traffic – Advanced Segmentation in Google Analytics

Social Media Traffic – Advanced Segmentation in Google Analytics

Social Media Traffic advanced segmentation in Google analytics Google analytics is one of the enterprise class platform available for free to measure your website analytics. Using Google analytics you can find out detailed information on #number of visitors, time spent on site, % of new visits, bounce rate, where your visitors are living and many more details. Continue reading »
Good Social Networking on Facebook, Dos And Don’ts!

Good Social Networking on Facebook, Dos And Don’ts!

ROI Media Works is a social media agency in Kamloops, BC. We provide social media marketing solutions to businesses. However busy we are working on our clients accounts we feel it is important to provide some valuable online marketing tips to business owners. In an effort to fill this gap we are bringing in guest blogger series featuring tips & tricks on online marketing, social media and pay per click campaigns. Continue reading »
Our Internet marketing services, How we are different!

Our Internet marketing services, How we are different!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Company in Kamloops, BC ROI Media Works Corporation is a cutting edge, full-services Internet marketing agency offering performance based online marketing solutions. We will be offering some insights into our services Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click Campaigns (PPC), Social Media Marketing (SMM) and Website Analytics. This week's post is dedicated to SEO services, we will write about other services in our future blogs. Continue reading »

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