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Recent Changes to AdWords

Monday, November 17th, 2014

Over the last few weeks Google has rolled out new reporting updates for AdWords. Flexible bid strategies such as Target CPA and Enhanced CPC offer new ways to interpret all the information Google has gathered on your account. Now you will have more detailed reporting within your finger tips.

Bid strategy reporting is found in the Shared Library tab on the left side of the window. This new feature allows users to view key performance metrics such as cost, CPA, conversions and conversion rate. It is here you can edit the bid strategy by clicking the “Edit Strategy” button on the report.

You will also notice a new “Strategy Status” indicator which shows you what state the bid strategy is in. “Limited” indicates that changes may need to be made to a bid strategy. “Learning” indicates there isn’t enough data to fully optimize your bids.

With these new tools, AdWords Strategists and business owners will have an even more clear idea of where their online marketing money is being spent. You will be able to make educated decisions to best optimize you website and ultimately your sales.

If you have any questions or would like help with your Google AdWords account, give us a call at 778-471-5953 or email us at We are your local Kamloops Google Partner digital marketing agency. To achieve the status of Google AdWords Certified Partner, ROI Media Works’ experts successfully passed a meticulous set of AdWords exams. We work closely with the experts at Google to ensure our client’s websites are fully optimized.

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