Remarketing – Reconnect with your customers.

Remarketing. What is it? And why is it so imperative to have as a strong tool for business success?
Remarketing, in a nutshell, allows a business to show its ads to people who have either already used or bought its product, or have simply visited its website.

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 Bring Back The Past Website Visitors

When people visit your website and leave without buying anything, remarketing allows your business to reconnect with those people while they browse Google or other websites. This is important because society today tends to be busy, and remarketing will help your business cut through the clutter of other ads, and target those specific people who were previously interested in your product or service. It can help with those who have visited your website homepage, but left shortly after, and people who had your product in their shopping cart, but were never able to hit the ‘buy’ button.
Remarketing can target different types of consumers that haven’t completed a conversion. It may be a sale or completing a form.
Google AdWords is a powerful tool that advertisers use to send website traffic to their websites by using the Google Search Network (what you normally use to do a ‘Google Search’), and the Google Display Network (ads that you may see when browsing websites). If your business uses AdWords — and it should be — then you can specifically target remarketing groups in the remarketing section of AdWords. Google has amazing tutorials on Youtube on how to utilize AdWords to its full potential. You can view their remarketing videos here.

Remarketing Lists Recommended By Google

There are 5 types of remarketing lists that Google recommends you focus on when using AdWords
  1. Home Page View
  2. Category Page Viewers
  3. Product or Offer Page Viewers
  4. Cart Abandoners
  5. Past Converters
We’ll go over each of these in detail and explain what you should do to remarket each of these types of consumers.
  1. Home Page View: These are people who have visited your home page, but didn’t move further than that onto your website. For this group, you need to look at why they may have left you home page. Was it just not the right time for them? Is your homepage not navigable? Too complex? You need to answer these questions, and then follow the AdWords remarketing tutorials to remarket to them effectively.
  2. Category Page Viewers: This group includes those who have visited a category level page of your site but not specific products. Think similar to the questions from before: why did they leave at this stage? Are the pages too broad? Too specific?
  3. Product or Offer Page Viewers: Those who have viewed specific products on your website, but did nothing further than that are ‘Product or Offer Page Viewers’. Are the product prices too high for the audience you are targeting? Think about your product and page when addressing this concern.
  4. Cart Abandoners: A person who adds products to their shopping cart, but doesn’t complete the purchase is known as a Cart Abandoner. The goal for your business is to bring these ‘almost customers’ back to complete the conversion you want, whether it be for them to purchase your product or service, or to perhaps fill out an information form.
  5. Past Converters: These people are who actually bought something on your site! Yay! Or they have completed some sort of conversion like signing up for an email subscription. A big mistake that most advertisers or business owners make is that they end up forgetting about this remarketing list. This group of previous customers should be important to you because they actually know and have dealt with your product and service before. They are your best marketers, and when they are happy, you can be happy.
We recommend that businesses should start focusing their remarketing lists based on their customer paths through their site so that they can tailor their bids and ads to the way your most valuable target audience can interact with the website. If you need help identifying these conversion paths and improve your remarketing lists please get in touch with our Remarketing Experts.