Social Media Traffic – Advanced Segmentation in Google Analytics

Social Media Traffic advanced segmentation in Google analytics

Google analytics is one of the enterprise class platform available for free to measure your website analytics. Using Google analytics you can find out detailed information on #number of visitors, time spent on site, % of new visits, bounce rate, where your visitors are living and many more details.

Lot of Google analytics data is aggregated or separated to minute details. If you are an executive want to know social media traffic trends to your website you can check referring sites section under “Traffic sources”. This basically shows all the site sending visitors to your website. This could be your second blog or traffic from other directories or a site like

Here the challenge is it doesn’t specify how much traffic is generated from social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, reddit or diggit etc. You can’t see the aggregated social media traffic trends and how it compares to overall site traffic.

So we created an advanced segmentation to slice the data in Google analytics. We created a custom segment organizing all the traffic coming from various social networking sites. This takes less than 5 minutes but gives you wealth of data comparison with overall site traffic. Every time you want to see social media traffic you can select the custom social media traffic segment to display some nice graphs.

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