TED Talks – Vancouver 2016

Marketing Lessons From #TEDTalks

This year’s Vancouver TED Talks started yesterday and will end on the 19th. Those attending will be treated to speeches from inspirational people who are leaders, creative thinkers, and idea makers. Perhaps ‘idea makers’ isn’t fair enough. They’re more like ‘idea makers, sharers, and givers’. And not only that, but attendees will be able to see art exhibits and tech demos!

For those of you who may not know what TED is about and have never seen one of their talks, we highly recommend heading over to their channel and checking out their videos that range from a multitude of different topics. TED began its humble beginnings in 1984 as a nonprofit dedicated to spreading ideas. Today, TED’s reach has spread across the globe and offers its videos in over 100 different languages.

#TEDTalks Vancouver – Thinking Outside Of The BOX

The discussions at TED Talks Vancouver this year are going to be based on the theme of ‘Dreams’, and topics will range from things like “Our Tomorrow” to thinking “Outside the Box”. The talks this year are sure to be memorable with speakers such as Adam Savage (one of the hosts from MythBusters) and Sue Desmond-Hellmann (CEO of Gates Foundation).

Here are three of our favourite TED Talks about marketing:

Seth Godin – 2012 – The Tribes We Lead.

In this talk, arguably one of the most influential marketers himself speaks about the importance of reaching out to specific ‘tribes’ of people who actually care about your product, and will help it become huge.

Dan Cobley – 2010 – What Physics Taught Me About Marketing.

Dan Cobley, marketer and former physicist, talks about the similarities between physics and marketing, and how the laws of physics can be applied to marketing your business.

Renny Gleeson – 2012 – 404, The Story of a Page Not Found.

This short talk features Renny Gleeson talking about the infamous 404 Error Page, and how one brand was able to turn the annoying surprise into a pleasant one.

What inspired you from #TEDTalks? Share with us @roimediaworks on twitter or on our Facebook page.