The Future of SEO and Beyond – SEO Summit 2015

As many of us in the industry know, optimizing your website can take up a lot of time. Being super busy doesn’t necessarily mean that you are spending it efficiently. Sam Nam’s Keynote Deck for SEO Summit 2015 summaries this perfectly. You can view the deck here: 

Being an efficient SEO means working withing the constraints and spending time in areas that require less work but provide the most value. Not all SEO ranking factors are created equal. This is where you need to decide which factors you need to spend the most time on.

For example you should spend more time optimizing more valuable keywords. This is where you will get the best Return On Investment (ROI). Look for the areas where you will get the most bang for your buck. We couldn’t agree more. It is important to prioritize and put your efforts into optimizing areas that will give you the best ROI.

If you haven’t had a chance to look over what happened at the SEO Summit 2015 you should totally take a look. Also checkout #seosummit2015 on social media to see live conversations that occurred.