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The Importance of Social Media

Monday, November 24th, 2014

As a business it is important to have a presence on social media. It not only a free way to get out your brand, it is a way to create engagement and conversations about your business. Like many small businesses, time is limited. You will have to make choices as to what social media platforms you are going to utilize. We Are Social has done a recent study that brings key digital statistics and data points from around the world, including internet users, active social media accounts and mobile usage.

From this study you can see that Facebook, is leading the pack, next is Google+, then Twitter rounds off the top three. It is important to create a Social Media plan to manage your presence. It is our expert opinion that if you have limited time that you should focus on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.

It’s important to remember to not pepper your followers with all information about your business. Have a little fun with social media. Share topics that interest you and should create conversations and relationships. This is something you need to have in your marketing plan, there are over 3 billion global internet users.

If you would like help with your social media campaign, feel free to give us a call at 778-471-5953. We have years of experience to help you reach your goals.


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