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The Importance of the Landing Page

Monday, November 10th, 2014

It is important to have a great looking website that functions well, but it may be even more important to ensure you have outstanding and relevant landing pages. These pages are an extremely important element to online marketing and ultimately sale or sign-up conversions.

Now you may be wondering, what the heck is a landing page? Isn’t it like every other page on my website? Your landing page is essential for online marketing and sales. It is the page you are purposely pointing online viewers to through adverting. Thus the landing page needs to be designed to increase the user’s interaction within your website. These pages need to be specific and provide a lead-capture form (conversion form).

To ensure that users are actually engaged and staying on your landing page, you need to make sure you are matching PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns with the correct landing page on your website. For example, if you are a clothing store and you have a sale on shoes. You wouldn’t want your online ads to point potential customers to your scarf section of your site. Thus, your landing pages are the heart of your lead generation and online sales.

Landing pages also allow you to collect information about the people who visit your website. This allows you to create an even more solid marketing plan and the best ROI (return on investment) for your online marketing.

If you have any questions or want your website to be tested for optimal use of landing pages, please reach out to us at 778-471-5953.

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