Twitter to Remove Share Counts

This month, Twitter announced that “Twitter share counts will no longer appear alongside Tweet buttons AND third-party direct access to tweet share stats will be curtailed.”

The development has surprised some, confused others and angered many. We are going to take a look to see how this change will affect your business or organization.

According to there are various situation and outcomes that you should pay attention to:

Now the biggest question of all. Why would Twitter do this? Having analytics and stats is how many users determine if their content is relevant to their audience or not. There has been some speculation online about why Twitter is making this move:

Most developers and strategist are outraged by this announcement. How can you show the results of your work to clients or to your boss? How can ROI be determined? Well the online world is a resilient place. Creative minds get together and will come up with a way to work around this issue.

Keep an eye on this for sure! It will be interesting to see where we are at in 6 months down the road.