What Happens When Computers Are Smarter Than We Are?

There is this interesting theory by Nick Bostrom that the fate of humanity will depend on what super intelligence does. As in, we humans will not control our own fate, super intelligent machines will have that control. This is because they will have intelligence that will surpass our brightest minds. 

You can watch his Ted Talk speech online. This is such an interesting concept that has been around for many years. Take The Terminator for example. Machines get the upper hand on human kind and we are turned into slaves or are hunted down like animals.

Artificial Intelligence (IA) will be the last things that humans would need to invent. Once AI is fully functional, machines will be able to invent things much more quickly and easier than humans could.

This all seems super science fiction, but there is a lot of actual science behind it. Nick’s thoughts are extremely interested. Such like if you create a very powerful optimization (IA) process to maximize for object X, you need to make sure you include everything you care about. Make sure the goals are very clearly outlined.

This is definitely worth a watch!