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Who Inspires Us? | Part 3

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015

This is part 3 of our Who Inspires Us series. Our sales guy Mal had a hard time thinking of only a few people who inspire him. This first person isn’t someone that necessarily inspires him, but is someone Malakai believes to be a positive role model. Yousef Erakat became famous via Youtube. Yousef’s YouTube channel titled “FouseyTUBE”, is where he produces parodies, vlogs, comedy sketches, and pranks. His channel has more than 5,000,000 subscribers and counting.  More recently, Yousef has begun travelling around the world as motivational speakers at his own shows.

Although he is an entertainer, Yousef always sends a positive message with the work he produces. Some of his work includes social experiments where he captures everyday social issues and brings them to light. For example: bullying, cyber bullying, homelessness and racism.  He tackles these issues head on and in turn inspires his viewers for the better.

Social media is sewn into the very fabric of today’s popular/main stream culture. We are consumers of the web, and we do so subconsciously at times, just to pass the time. We are bombarded with news of what is bad in the world and very seldom do we see the good. It is important to have such positive role models in today’s society. More importantly, positive role models using social media channels that effectively reach younger demographics.

As for the next person, Mal notes that this one may be a bit of a cliché but his mother is most inspirational person in his life. Being raised by a single parent, working full time to make ends meet sticks with you. It’s a tall order to ask for, probably one of the tallest anyone unfortunate will ever be challenged with doing. It’s hard enough raising a child if you have a partner there to help you, doing it on your own is unfathomable. To raise a mini version of yourself and hope to god that you didn’t go wrong somewhere down the line #fingerscrossed #praytogod. Mal is thankful that he in many ways mirrors the ideologies, respect and love of his mother’s. It takes someone that is selfless, patient, loving, nurturing, caring, resilient, resourceful, committed, determined, courageous, strong and the list could go on forever, to be a single parent. Mal hopes he can be half of those things in his life and that is what inspires him.

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