Is your head spinning with the thought of creating your Ad Words account? Have you been doing research on how to do this and feel like it is all too much for you to handle? There is no need! Here are a few simple rules you should follow to get you on the road to results.
Why should you be concerned whether or not your AdWords account is organized or not? Having your account organized:
How do you determine how to organize your account? You need to make sure you pick the right structure for your brand. There are a few things you need to take a look at to create the right structure for your AdWords account:
Once you have created your Google Ad Words account it is time to get to work. From here you are going to create Ad Campaigns, Ad Groups, Ad Text, Landing Pages and Keywords.
With campaigns you probably won’t have very many; you might even only one. Your Ad Groups need to be relevant and this is where you lump together similar keywords together. Your ads need to be relevant to the Ad Groups they are in. Keywords are the words that you use to help your ad get triggered and get people to visit your website.
This simple video from Google, is a great resource to use while creating your account.
If you still have some questions, please feel free to give a call. We are a certified Google Partner that can help with all your Google advertising needs.