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Facebook Cards for Insights

Thursday, March 10th, 2016

Facebook Cards — The Coolest Way to Present Analytics


Think of the coolest way you could ever display analytical insights for your year in review. Now times that by 52.

Why 52?

Because there are 52 cards in any deck, including this one done for Facebook by a design company in the UK called Human After All. The challenge came forward from Facebook to Human After All to create a “bespoke deck of playing cards to deliver its marketing insights to agencies across EMEA” (source: Human After All).

These analytics should be important to us and our businesses because they help us understand what trends are/were on social media, and what our customers find interest in online. As a business owner, in the process of understanding your customer, it’s be a great benefit to regularly check the Insights Page on your Facebook Business Page to keep on top of your business analytics. To stay up to date on trends all across Facebook, use the trends bar located on the right side of the Home Page.

We would say that Human After All met and exceeded the expectations put forth to them, as shown by the final product below:




Human After All created insights on different topics for each card in the deck, including seasonal holidays, celebrities, TV, and sports. When the decks were finished, they were distributed — as per Facebook’s wish — to each of the key agencies that collaborate with Facebook.

You should definitely go check out more photos of the project on their website, here, and check out their other projects while you’re at it!

Facebook Insights plays a key role in our social media marketing efforts. By understanding these insights, we help our clients to increase their reach to their consumers significantly. 

Let us know what you think about these cards! Leave a comment below, or connect with us on Facebook or Twitter!

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