What does Google’s impending shift to UACs tell pay-per-click marketers, not just app developers?

In a blog post this week, Google wrote that you may have heard about a shift in AdWords Display Campaigns that is coming down the pipeline. Just in case you haven’t, the change focuses on a facet of the pay-per-click marketing software that pertains to advertising for mobile applications. It was announced that AdWords campaigns geared towards such advertising will be moved to Universal App Campaigns (UACs). If you’re an app developer, this is great news as it means an expanded reach of your ad placements. If you’re a pay-per-click marketer, the value of this news from Google may seem more abstract. But, we found it:

Is a mobile app right for your business?

With more options moving towards the advertising of mobile apps, now is as good a time as any to develop one for your business. There is no exact answer when it comes to wondering if a mobile app contains the utmost ROI. There is also little denying the role apps play in our world. So, either get the conversation rolling on a mobile app for your business or get to advertising the one you already have.

Optimize for mobile

While an app may not make sense, this does, no questions asked. In a world that is increasingly mobile, it is important users can access your business no matter their device. Google’s ramped up efforts to advertise mobile apps tells us as such. Routinely audit your content to ensure your webpages are looking just as good on a smartphone as it does on a computer.

Pay-per-click marketers should click on “insights”

We are told time and time again that tracking your efforts is a something any marketer cannot go without. This fact is not lost on google, who are improving the tracking ability for app developers through this change. As we wrote a few weeks ago, Google is consistently analyzing their analysis capabilities, trying to shed new light on marketing exploits. Your business should too.

Are you using the Google Display Network?  

Perhaps the biggest change stemming from this news from Google is the movement away from app-specific campaigns to universal ads across their display network. In addition to the Google Search Network ads you see when using the search engine, visual ads run on sites like YouTube, a member of the Google Display Network. If you’re a pay-per-click marketer running pay-per-click campaigns on Google AdWords but only doing so on the Google Search Network, you may be missing out. Elite pay-per-click marketers are using the two networks in tandem.