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Internet Slang Added to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Monday, June 1st, 2015

On May 26th Merriam-Webster Merriam-Webster Dictionary that their dictionary has grown more than 1,700 entries. A lot of these changes are technology and web-related terms. You will see words like  “emoji,” “photobomb”, “sharing economy”, “meme,” “click fraud,” and “click-bait” added to the newest version of the most trusted and used resource known on North America. 

We’ve added 3,200 examples that provide contextual information, and another 200 entries for some of the words people most frequently look up have been updated and enhanced. –

How were these words chosen? The editors at the dictionary organization spend upwards of two hours each day reading published material online and offline. They are searching for the most commonly used words and it appears that internet slang has embedded its way into daily language. Now if you feel like you are old school and can’t keep up with the terms kids are using these days, you can reference the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

They have added various abbreviations that can help parents and grandparents keep with times. There are also some terms which are questionable such as eggcorn and twerk. Are there any terms you see as odd or did Merriam-Webster miss anything? Give us your thoughts!



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