Being efficient with social media is something that needs to be tweaked often. You may have your current system down-packed but what if there is a better way to do things?
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It has been known for some time that mobile use is becoming more and more prominent in the online world. Nowadays if you don't have a responsive or mobile site, you are risking not getting traffic.
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Google News Lab is a new project that is empowering innovation at the intersection of technology and media. This is so exciting! Google is collaborating with journalists and entrepreneurs to help build the future of media.
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As many of us in the industry know, optimizing your website can take up a lot of time. Being super busy doesn't necessarily mean that you are spending it efficiently. Sam Nam's Keynote Deck for SEO Summit 2015 summaries this perfectly. You can view the deck here:
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This is super cool! At the end of June Google released their first-ever vertical Street View collection. They partnered with legendary climbres, Lynn Hill, Alex Honnold and Tommy Caldwell. This is a unique way to see the iconic El Capitan wall face in Yosemite. You can see routs climbers take, the exposure that is involved with a wall this large and a small piece of the life of a climber.
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If you don't already know Google changes it algorithms almost on quarterly increments. With these changes happening so often it is important to keep your website is up-to-date. How can you make sure your site is ranking well on the largest search engine in the world? You can complete a website audit and do it regularity.
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Adobe's Flash software is now blocked by default on all versions of the Firefox web browser. Why has this happened? Mozilla, developer of Firefox, has recently found some bugs in Flash that were allowing cyber-thieves to do malicious activity.
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An important part of your social media marketing is seeing what your competition is doing. Brainstorming can be made easier by looking at what other people are doing on their social media accounts. What kind of content are they using? What kind of posts are most effective in your industry?
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One of the biggest problems with the Internet is the issue around privacy. Nowadays so much information is available online, that the idea of privacy is extremely laughable. You may think your information is private, but it isn't. Imagine what a lifetime worth of emails could tell about yourself?
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There is this interesting theory by Nick Bostrom that the fate of humanity will depend on what super intelligence does. As in, we humans will not control our own fate, super intelligent machines will have that control. This is because they will have intelligence that will surpass our brightest minds.
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