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We like keeping on top of what's up.

We keep an eye on what's on the horizon and in the digital landscape.

Here's some of our latest thoughts on what's happening. Have some coffee & catch up with what's intriguing us.

Grow Your Business With Twitter – Get Started In 15 Mins

Grow Your Business With Twitter – Get Started In 15 Mins

Grow Your Business With Twitter Marketing Twitter became a social media platform for many (284 million users sending out 500 million tweets everyday). On Twitter you can follow or unfollow people easily. However, remember your tweets are always public. When I mention about twitter and #hashtags to some of my clients I hear What's Twitter? How it can be useful for my business? What are hashtags? Continue reading »
Boost your website traffic with Local search engine Marketing

Boost your website traffic with Local search engine Marketing

If you have used a search engine like Google, Yahoo or Bing to find more information about a product or service this is a no brainer to you. To ensure that you are getting the  best results search engines have been implementing algorithms ( programs) to meet the demand. The more search engines know about a person the better the results.   Continue reading »
Social Media Marketing Sign up Form

Social Media Marketing Sign up Form

Make social media work for you! Take control of your social media marketing and get a real return on investment. The team at ROI Media Works hosts workshops and seminars to help you create a plan that works for your business or organization. Thanks for your interest in getting information about our training opportunities. Please sign up below if you want to receive information in regards to our social media workshops, Twitter marketing seminars, Facebook marketing tips and how to use Hootsuite that manage everything. Continue reading »
Top 5 Predictions in SEO, PPC, SMM for 2015

Top 5 Predictions in SEO, PPC, SMM for 2015

We recently read an article which peaked out interest. It brought forth the ideas and notions that will be important in the new year. From here, we began thinking about what we think 2015 will bring. So here are our Top 5 Predictions for 2015 when it comes to the world of SEO, PPC and SMM. Continue reading »
8 Tips to Help You Evaluate Your Social Media Marketing Goals

8 Tips to Help You Evaluate Your Social Media Marketing Goals

When it comes to marketing, social media networks are just as important as your Google AdWords and conventional marketing campaigns.  It is essential to take the time to understand where social media marketing best fits your organization and how to integrate it into existing organizational and departmental goals. Continue reading »
Essential Steps That Your Company Needs in 2015 Digital Marketing -Take Your Company to The Next Level in 2015 and Beyond.

Essential Steps That Your Company Needs in 2015 Digital Marketing -Take Your Company to The Next Level in 2015 and Beyond.

A new year is upon us. This is another year to grow your business and have it be the best year yet. It is time to think about what your business needs to improve; what are your business goals? How will you make these happen? There is a lot to think about and it can be overwhelming. Like every year, We have thought about our business resolutions and thought it would be a good idea to share how we went about this process and what we found to be most important. Continue reading »
ROI Media Works is Your Kamloops Hootsuite Partner

ROI Media Works is Your Kamloops Hootsuite Partner

ROI Media Works is proud to announce that we are now a Hootsuite Solution Partner. Why is this so exciting? Hootsuite is a social media management system for businesses to utilize various social networks all in one secure, web-based dashboard. This tool better allows us to manage our and our client's online presence. We can look at Faccebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+, plus a suite of social content apps for YouTube, Flickr, Instagram, Yammer, Tumblr and more all in one place.  Continue reading »
How to use Social Media Campaigns to Boost Your Restaurant Sales

How to use Social Media Campaigns to Boost Your Restaurant Sales

With the internet at such a prolific and omnipresent level as it is today, it has the amazing ability to connect businesses and shoppers at a level never previously imagined. It’s important, and in many ways, crucial, that businesses take advantage of the internet to attract and maintain a customer base. One of the most powerful tools that the internet offers to help attract potential customers is social media.  Continue reading »
Google AdWords Editor 11

Google AdWords Editor 11

One of the most useful and powerful tools at your finger tips has just gotten a little bit better. The Google AdWords 11.0 version offers massive changes with a new layout and enhanced time saving features. Continue reading »

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