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We like keeping on top of what's up.

We keep an eye on what's on the horizon and in the digital landscape.

Here's some of our latest thoughts on what's happening. Have some coffee & catch up with what's intriguing us.

Facebook Marketing For Holiday Season

Facebook Marketing For Holiday Season

If you are in the retail world, you are well aware that the holiday season is just around the corner. People are on the lookout for the perfect Christmas gifts for their loved ones. Take advantage of Facebook’s marketing tools to increase traffic and sales by connecting with potential customers who are similar to your current ones. Below are 3 tips that will help you show your ads to the most interested viewers. Continue reading »
Get a 360 degree tour of your business across Google.

Get a 360 degree tour of your business across Google.

Take customer engagement to a whole new level. You can invite customers inside your business with a virtual tour of your business on Google Search, Google Maps and Google+. This feature gives you are chance to truly represent your business. It allows people to “visit” your business before they actually step into the store. Continue reading »
How Social Media Sites affect SEO Rankings

How Social Media Sites affect SEO Rankings

You may not think this but social media directly affects your business’s search engine optimization and search engines impact your social media presence. Search engines have begun to incorporate social signals (Facebook likes, Tweets, +1s and so on) to inform their search results. Continue reading »
What are Keywords?

What are Keywords?

Keywords are the most important SEO element for every website and online ad campaign. Keywords are what allow Internet users to find the information they are looking for in search engines like Google. This process is virtually the most important aspect of your search engine optimization campaign. This is your chance to connect to those who are searching for what you are offering. Continue reading »
Facebook’s Newest Features

Facebook’s Newest Features

So most of you might have noticed, in the past few months Facebook has been making changes to their site. If you are unsure of the modifications, here is a quick overview of those changes. Continue reading »
Google Partners Connect Event

Google Partners Connect Event

We host Google Partner Events to help our clients reach more customers and grow their presence online. We are super excited to be hosting a livestream Google event on October 15th, and you’re invited to join us! Continue reading »

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