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We like keeping on top of what's up.

We keep an eye on what's on the horizon and in the digital landscape.

Here's some of our latest thoughts on what's happening. Have some coffee & catch up with what's intriguing us.

Hire a marketing agency and your business will see financial benefits: infographic

Hire a marketing agency and your business will see financial benefits: infographic

In a debate that is very dear to our hearts, this question is often levelled: should my business hire a marketing agency or build an in-house team? Though we understand why these questions are asked, there seems an obvious choice. We love what we do and we’re passionate about making your life easier and more productive. Plus, you don’t have to spend time and resources building a team with complimentary skills – we have that for you already! Continue reading »
Snapchat’s Promoted Stories vs sponsored Instagram Stories

Snapchat’s Promoted Stories vs sponsored Instagram Stories

There’s a new option at the buffet of social media marketing. Snapchat announced last week that they will be rolling out a new sponsored section for their Stories feature. Snapchat’s Promoted Stories will be shown alongside the organic stories that create a curated feed based upon on the organizations or people a user follows. In addition to this sponsored section, brands can also add links to their ads. Continue reading »
So, you have a new website. Now what?

So, you have a new website. Now what?

This month has been a busy one for us in the best possible way. Only one month in our history has seen us launch more new projects than November 2017. For that, we are equally patting ourselves on that back and thanking our awesome clients that motivate us to come into work every day. We are privileged to do what we do and truly love marketing. With this in mind, and all these new websites floating around, we thought now would be as good a time as ever to give a quick intro for how to market a new website. Continue reading »
What is AMP and why is everyone talking about it?

What is AMP and why is everyone talking about it?

Last week, we were all about mobile. It appears we weren’t the only ones focused on it as a variety of outlets gave it coverage, too. We were intrigued about how it was covered from a variety of different angles and will break it all down for you. But first things first, what is AMP? Continue reading »
Next steps after a mobile/desktop parity audit

Next steps after a mobile/desktop parity audit

If you’ve kept up with our blog and social media, the concept of a mobile/desktop parity audit is not a foreign one.  If you did in fact keep up with this, you may have carried out an audit of your own. We applaud you for doing so! Now what’s left is the next steps after a mobile/desktop parity audit. We’ve come up with three possible outcomes that may represent your post-audit world. Continue reading »
Your mobile webpage is important: infographic

Your mobile webpage is important: infographic

Did you know that creating a well-designed and easy to navigate webpage is only half the battle? You should be proud of the work you put in to get your webpage to that level but, keep in mind that it should look just as good on a smartphone. No matter how good the desktop version of your webpage is, you need an equally good mobile webpage to accent it. Don’t just take our word for it. The folks at NerdGraph Infographics put together an infographic that breaks down why it’s important. They lay out 10 reasons why your mobile webpage is important: Continue reading »
Live video marketing: an intro

Live video marketing: an intro

Taking a video with your mobile device then uploading it to your social media page after the fact is so 2015. Brands and marketers alike are embracing the feature of social media platforms that allow for the live broadcast of video. This is known as live video marketing and it can add a new dimension to your marketing efforts. So, we thought it would be worthwhile to put together a little intro to help get you off the ground. Continue reading »
Halloween marketing: Pumpkin spice up your brand

Halloween marketing: Pumpkin spice up your brand

Here at ROI Media Works, we not only work in marketing, we love it too. That’s why we’re going to bring you a list of the best seasonal marketing campaigns we’ve seen every month. In this edition of Pumpkin Spice Up Your Brand, we’re going to take a look at Halloween marketing, which can be seen to wear many different masks hats. Continue reading »
Native advertising is the chameleon of the advertising world

Native advertising is the chameleon of the advertising world

“The traditional advertising method is becoming obsolete:” So says a blog post by Rival IQ. This movement is something we have featured on our blog as well. As this shift continues and new marketing techniques rise to prominence, it is important to keep an eye on these contemporary techniques. One of them is known as native advertising. Continue reading »
11 social media platforms in 1 infographic

11 social media platforms in 1 infographic

I’m sure you’ve heard it before: “your business needs to be on social media platforms.” Honestly, it’s true. There is unparalleled opportunity when it comes to engaging with customers and sharing your brand. Not engaging with them might leave your business trailing behind. With that said, it can be tough to get these accounts off the ground. Something that seems so natural in your personal life, social media platforms can seem abstract in a business setting. Luckily, this infographic from Likable Media lays it all out. Continue reading »

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